I used to have this one when I was a kid, during the ages between when I broke my tailbone, and when I had experimental laser therapy to remove the scar tissue from where it healed. The therapy worked. Prior to the therapy, I used to have regular pain in the area similar to arthritis pain. It hasn't hurt like that since.
The significance is that when the pain went away, I went from frequently dreaming about this little guy to rarely seeing him at all. Last night, my shoulders got sore, and I got my first visit in about five years. Not having photos to combine to make what I saw in my dream, I drew a picture and enhanced it in G.I.M.P. This is just about the angle from which I saw the creature, which was chewing on my right shoulder (which hurt more than the left) and my neck.. It hissed at me. The startle factor woke me right up.
I used to "wake" with those teeth locked around the top of my butt, right where it was hurting. When I was still growing really fast in elementary school, and I used to get cramps in my calf muscles, I used to dream it was biting those, too. I'd wake up with my toes pointed down, unable to straighten my foot without using my hands.
I ended up having to get up and take aspirin. I usually don't take meds in the middle of the night because they're rough on the tummy, but my shoulder was really sore.
When I went back to sleep, I had this really insane dream about human waste oozing up out of the sewers all over the place, then eventually out of every pipeline in the area, including those for clean water. Finally, it started coming out of cracks in the ground, too. I was not where I live now. I was back in college, and at college age (still a teen) but not at the college where I went to school. We were in this big, flat, open rural area with no bigger towns nearby. I don't remember much of the dream except that I felt responsible for helping to clean it up because I hadn't been able to make people listen to me when I told them it was going to happen. I felt like if I'd been able to make people listen to me, they would have done things differently and avoided this. Despite my objections, my friends wanted to get me out of town, because they were sure I'd get blamed for the mess on the basis of my having predicted it.
I am pretty sure that the monster dream was a result of the pain in my shoulder, but the sewer dream is more likely a manifestation of stress, combined with certain realizations. I guess that figuratively, I'm seeing everything around me turn to crap; my work, my neighborhood, the circumstances with which pretty much everyone I know is dealing right now... and I did predict everything that is happening locally, but not as any kind of psychic.
This is all stuff I said would happen based on bills being passed by the state government between eight and four years ago, and the federal government during the last few years. Now, I'm almost afraid to join in when there's a political discussion, because everything I say sounds like "I told you so." On top of that, I'm worried that being right about the predictions that have come true, I may have also been right about some really scary possibilities. If I am, things here will go to hell at a frighteningly fast pace. It'll probably be that way in most cities, even the ones that aren't so big. I don't think smaller towns will be hit as hard because people there are used to having to work together to overcome hardships without the aid of highly organized, extensive networks of emergency services.
It's my extended family that wants me (and my household) out of here. Both sides want us to come live with them. We're actually working on just that - going north across the state to live in or near the same town as my in-laws, away from the city where we are now. It'll be months before it happens, though, and in the meantime, I do feel like I'm watching things fall apart. Who knows, maybe that is why I've had so many earthquake dreams lately, too.
I have strange dreams, often nightmares, and I don't know why. Maybe I'm crazy. Maybe I'm beset by spirits. Maybe I'm cursed. I don't know, but I do know there are others like me.. Some have told me their dreams. You can consider this a gathering place for dark dreamers, a place to find out you are not alone in the nightmare world... or just a place to gawk. However you take it, this is my release.. a place where I can vent, shout out from within the Oneiroi's grip.
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