
It's been about two days since I had this one. I think it's weird enough for here, but I wanted to see how my "story" from it would go on Reddit's /r/nosleep forum first. I wrote it from the point of view of one of the dream characters. I like the way it turned out. As for the dream, I was kind of a watcher in this one. I saw it from the perspective of about 15 to 20 feet above the ground, behind the male character. I couldn't do anything to affect the actions taking place before me, no matter how badly I wanted to.

She's walking on the left side of the street. There are a lot of buildings. It looks like it used to be the good downtown area, but is now the poor, crime-ridden section of this city. Everything looks like it was once fancy, but now it's run-down, falling apart - buildings losing paint (or even bricks), cracks in the windows, holes boarded up, and so on. The sidewalk isn't in great shape, either, and the lighting is kind of iffy.

She really looks out of place here, and very vulnerable. She can't be more than twenty years old, and she doesn't look very tough. She's actually kind of small, and thin.

She's not dressed for this neighborhood, either. Her hair is too nicely styled, and her clothes are just plainly too nice. Her thin silky blouse hangs just right, and clings just right. Her skirt, though a bit short, looks like it belongs on someone in an office instead of someone walking on this street. Even her boots are inappropriate, pointy-toed little suede numbers with high heels, definitely not made to handle broken up concrete.

He steps out of the shadows about fifteen feet behind her, after she walks past the place where he was hiding. I didn't even see him until this moment. Watching her like a cat stalking a mouse, he glides forward and quietly matches her pace. He tails her for a few yards, then speeds up a bit to get closer. Quiet as he is, she seems to notice. She doesn't turn to look, just picks up her pace and holds her purse a little closer. I can feel that she is nervous, but she doesn't want to broadcast that. It occurs to me that she should forget about that concern, and just get the heck out of here.

I want to fix this. I know the guy is going to do some dastardly thing to her, definitely mug her, probably worse. He looks nasty, dirty, and mean.

I focus on getting down there to defend her, but it doesn't happen. I'm still floating.

I try to make fire come out of my hands and shoot at the stalker, but I can't. My hands won't even move.

I imagine the police pulling up.

They don't.

I mentally picture her turning around and beating the crap out of the guy with her purse.

She doesn't.

Instead, she speeds up again. He gets closer. I know she can hear him behind her.

Finally, she panics and runs. Her boots don't handle that at all, and she stumbles and trips down the street, really not moving any faster than before. The mugger tackles her, one hand over her mouth, and drags her into an alley. She fights back, kicking and squealing, but he's bigger and stronger. As soon as they're off of the street, he slams her to the ground and pins her with his body.

He asks what a spoiled little bitch like her "is even doing around here."

Instead of answering him, she suddenly and rapidly opens her mouth impossibly wide to reveal huge barracuda teeth, which she immediately sinks into the mugger's throat as her eyes turn deep red. I can hear the sound of the bite from my vantage point, almost like someone biting into a really juicy apple. It's so quick, I almost don't register what just happened. When I do, it's such a surprise that I jump.

That startled me awake. It was just a little after midnight. At first, I felt kind of vindicated... like the mugger got exactly what he deserved, given his intentions. Then, my mind worked on it a little, thinking what if that girl was a predator, and that was the plan the whole time? Maybe she used her appearance as bate to lure out a lowlife that no one would miss, then ate him. 
Since I couldn't sleep, I got up and wrote this post on /r/nosleep. I wasn't expecting anyone to notice or like it, because it was short. I was surprised to get some upvotes and responses. Anyway, maybe I'll try making fiction out of some of my other dreams. I kind of like that idea.

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